With proven replicable processes, MDii helps hospitals of all sizes implement successful MDI programs.

Because medical device integration (MDI) utilizes emerging technologies, not all hospitals are experienced with its requirements and processes. Medical devices and EHR systems might not have MDI as a native function of their product, and each EHR system requires unique configurations for device integrations. Many hospitals do not have a dedicated MDI testing environment, and those that do often disassemble them to use the components for patient care.

MDii can bridge these, and other, gaps to achieve MDI. By applying our proven replicable processes, we simplify medical device integration, reducing implementation cost and time-to-deployment so hospitals – regardless of size – do MDI right the first time.

Integrate your various devices

Many hospitals’ medical device inventories comprise multiple device types, makes and models – each with different technical capabilities or constraints requiring different integrations. In fact, two similar but not identical devices can behave differently even if integrating with the same EHR, middleware, and network infrastructure. MDii has the knowledge and experience to overcome these challenges.

No need to ‘reinvent the wheel’

Our experience and proven processes mean our clients don’t have to duplicate the same testing and validation. We developed our model – built on industry standards – by implementing thousands of devices, of different types, makes, models, and firmware versions across many different sites. Our processes scale to any-sized organization, with different devices, EHR, and middleware systems. We know how to make your integration work.

Ease consolidations and acquisitions

When you acquire a hospital, or consolidate organizations, MDii simplifies integration of dissimilar medical devices and configurations so that you have data consistency across your different facilities and staff, creating a uniform organization-wide experience.

Meet tighter budgets

We can make MDI cost-effective even for hospitals with few devices and limited resources. Our processes save implementation costs and time-to-deployment compared to doing it yourself. For a hospital with a tight budget, that can mean the difference between having MDI, or not having MDI at all.

Enable clinical innovations with informatics

Despite progress to date, medical device integration challenges persist; e.g., ventilator data between different modes, different physiologic monitor variables sharing the same name, differentiating measurements from settings. All are examples of how challenging integrating medical device data can be. We address these proactively, an MDii best practice.